Adrian College’s Campus Activities Network (CAN), hosted a new fall activity on Friday, November 1. Students were welcomed to the mall and surrounding areas for haunted houses in the dorms and free food trucks. All were encouraged to adorned their Halloween costumes as CAN termed the event Bruiser’s Boo-Stravaganza. This new event comes as CAN looks to potentially replace another Adrian College event, Fall Fest.
Students were seen swarming the mall for food from campus regulars Primal Pizza, Petey’s Donuts, and Funky Dawgs. Long lines were seen throughout the event as people anxiously waited for oven-fresh pizza, warm or hot cider, donuts, and the famous Funky and Mac Dawgs.
The other major activity of the event was the haunted rooms in the freshman dorms. Each hall had a different theme, ranging from spiders and dolls to clowns and a murder mystery scene. CAN dubbed Feeman Hall the winner, with its basement full of clowns giving students quite the fright.
Overall the event had a positive response from students and CAN, with one student, Logan Dolby-Arnoldy, stating “It was good, especially when this is the time of year that people start stressing out a lot”.
While there were some critiques of the event, its overall positive turnout may lead to Brusier’s Boo-Stravanganza haunting us once again next Halloween. Make sure to watch your emails as many of the on-campus organizations plan a multitude of events in the month to come with finals fast approaching.